MALMÖ. The singer Darin, 25, has millions of reasons to cheer. On Thursday night he takes over the Eurovision stage and reaches out to millions of TV viewers all over Europe.
- I'm not that nervous, but I probably will be, he says.
Darin has just arrived by plane from Stockholm and talks to Kvällsposten for an interview in Malmö Arena. He gives us his charismatic smile and doesn't reveal that the schedule is tight. Only minutes remain until he is going to his first rehearsal in the interval during Eurovision on Thursday night.
- I like when it's stressful and many things going on, then it gets easier to concentrate, says the pop star Darin Zanyar who broke through in the talent show Idol on TV4 in 2004.
The mission as being an interval in the semi-final was decided as late as last week. Darin tells us that he didn't need any time to think at all.
- No no, this is huge. A mission of honor!
During the show Darin will be performing two of his songs. Partly his own favorite "Nobody Knows" and partly the newly written "So Yours".
- It's really cool to be able to reach out to so many people with my music. Regarding to the amount of viewers, this is the biggest thing I've ever done!
Besides being in Eurovision, the pop star has a lot to do with the planning for his summer tour and also preparing for Victoriadagen (the Victoria day) on July 14th. Then he and Robin Stjernberg, among others, will perform in front of the Swedish royal family at Solliden. But that doesn't make him nervous either, in fact he couldn't be more relaxed.
- It's just fun. And I've met Victoria before, among other things I wrote a song for the wedding between her and prince Daniel, so this will just be fine.
But the hard tempo does leave marks and Darin reveals that he has his tricks to manage everything.
- You have to sleep and eat well, otherwise it will not work. I also try to work out to stay in shape, I move around quite a lot on stage and therefore I need good condition, says Darin.
After the show on Thursday night Darin will fly back home to Stockholm again. There he will probably be surrounded by friends and watch the Eurovision final on TV.
- That's probably the best way to watch the final, on TV and together with some good friends. Perfect food for that is tacos, says Darin before he runs off to rehearse the show that's gonna capture Europe.
- "Euphoria" by Loreen is of course one of the best.
- "Waterloo" by ABBA, it's actually my favorite when it comes to Eurovision.
- "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak from Norway who won the whole competition in 2009, it's awesome.
The Swedish music wonders will be teeming on stage during Eurovision. The same night as Darin is on stage another pop star from Idol, Agnes, who will perform a medley. During the final Carola will be a surprise, according to media. Since earlier it's also official that Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson have written a song that will be performed by Aviici.
Full article (by Magnus Andersson): Translated by Nathalie Pentler.
- I'm not that nervous, but I probably will be, he says.
Darin has just arrived by plane from Stockholm and talks to Kvällsposten for an interview in Malmö Arena. He gives us his charismatic smile and doesn't reveal that the schedule is tight. Only minutes remain until he is going to his first rehearsal in the interval during Eurovision on Thursday night.
- I like when it's stressful and many things going on, then it gets easier to concentrate, says the pop star Darin Zanyar who broke through in the talent show Idol on TV4 in 2004.
The mission as being an interval in the semi-final was decided as late as last week. Darin tells us that he didn't need any time to think at all.
- No no, this is huge. A mission of honor!
During the show Darin will be performing two of his songs. Partly his own favorite "Nobody Knows" and partly the newly written "So Yours".
- It's really cool to be able to reach out to so many people with my music. Regarding to the amount of viewers, this is the biggest thing I've ever done!
Besides being in Eurovision, the pop star has a lot to do with the planning for his summer tour and also preparing for Victoriadagen (the Victoria day) on July 14th. Then he and Robin Stjernberg, among others, will perform in front of the Swedish royal family at Solliden. But that doesn't make him nervous either, in fact he couldn't be more relaxed.
- It's just fun. And I've met Victoria before, among other things I wrote a song for the wedding between her and prince Daniel, so this will just be fine.
But the hard tempo does leave marks and Darin reveals that he has his tricks to manage everything.
- You have to sleep and eat well, otherwise it will not work. I also try to work out to stay in shape, I move around quite a lot on stage and therefore I need good condition, says Darin.
After the show on Thursday night Darin will fly back home to Stockholm again. There he will probably be surrounded by friends and watch the Eurovision final on TV.
- That's probably the best way to watch the final, on TV and together with some good friends. Perfect food for that is tacos, says Darin before he runs off to rehearse the show that's gonna capture Europe.
- "Euphoria" by Loreen is of course one of the best.
- "Waterloo" by ABBA, it's actually my favorite when it comes to Eurovision.
- "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak from Norway who won the whole competition in 2009, it's awesome.
The Swedish music wonders will be teeming on stage during Eurovision. The same night as Darin is on stage another pop star from Idol, Agnes, who will perform a medley. During the final Carola will be a surprise, according to media. Since earlier it's also official that Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson have written a song that will be performed by Aviici.
Full article (by Magnus Andersson): Translated by Nathalie Pentler.