It's finally here, #DarinFamily! The long-awaited music video for Darin's new single "Mamma Mia" was released today. Watch it below and tell us what you think of it in the comments!
Read our review of the music video here.
In an interview with Aftonbladet they ask Darin if it feels like the video shows a new side of him. He says that it doesn't feel like that to him personally, but that others might think so, since they haven’t seen that side of him before. ”People close to me don’t really get shocked, they just say ’cool video’. This feels more like who I am today, compared to who I was 10 years ago”
Darin mentioned before that the song is about love being like a drug. Aftonbladet asks him what he has to say about that.
”Yes, I've felt that way several times. I guess that's the best kind of love. Maybe not the best considering the consequences, but it's worth it to feel something so strongly. That’s what everybody wants.”
Read our review of the music video here.
In an interview with Aftonbladet they ask Darin if it feels like the video shows a new side of him. He says that it doesn't feel like that to him personally, but that others might think so, since they haven’t seen that side of him before. ”People close to me don’t really get shocked, they just say ’cool video’. This feels more like who I am today, compared to who I was 10 years ago”
”Yes, I've felt that way several times. I guess that's the best kind of love. Maybe not the best considering the consequences, but it's worth it to feel something so strongly. That’s what everybody wants.”