Tonight the long-awaited show En Kväll i New York finally premiered on SVT. As previously mentioned, the show was recorded in May, when Darin and other Swedish artists performed a new version of a song of their choice at the legendary Apollo Theater in New York, with The Late Show Gospel Choir.
Darin chose to perform Lovekiller. He appears already in the first episode which covers the entire process, from rehearsing with the choir, to the outstanding performance at Apollo. Furthermore, Darin reunites with his friend and colleague Kat DeLuna before his performance.
Watch the episode on SVT Play by following this link or clicking on the image below.
Darin chose to perform Lovekiller. He appears already in the first episode which covers the entire process, from rehearsing with the choir, to the outstanding performance at Apollo. Furthermore, Darin reunites with his friend and colleague Kat DeLuna before his performance.
Watch the episode on SVT Play by following this link or clicking on the image below.